Honoring the Edmans

Jim and Ramona Edman

Philanthropy comes in many forms and these two giving people, Jim and Ramona Edman, have given countless hours of volunteer service to the Mary Virginia Crites Hannan Park. They are the epitome of philanthropists. This afternoon they were recognized for all of their years of service on Earth Day at the park. Rose Vargo McFarland, PCCF Board Chair, discussed their impact on those they don’t even know by their energy expended on keeping the park beautiful.

Larry Olson, Chair of the Friends of the Circleville Parks, spoke of the hours and days of service that Jim and Ramona have given. Circleville Mayor, Don McIlroy, provided them with a proclamation and a key to the city.

Gary Scherer, Pickaway County Commissioner, provided a proclamation from the Commissioners declaring this Jim and Ramona Edman Day. Tom Davis, Pickaway County Park District, spoke about their work to support collaboration of the parks and then invited everyone to the Butterfly Garden for the unveiling of a plaque and posters of the wind sculptures that will be installed in the gardens in honor of Jim and Ramona.
