PCCF Year End Grant Benefits Children

People holding giant check for $22,500 made out to the Visitation Center

The Pickaway County Community Foundation, the Yamarick Family Fund and the Well Being Fund of PCCF ended the year with grants that allow for the continuation of services at the Pickaway County Visitation Center. PCCF and the Yamarick Family Fund granted $22,500 and the Well Being Fund granted $10,000.

The Pickaway County Visitation Center provides an opportunity for parents and children to visit in a supervised setting that ensures the safety of the children and provides a positive engagement between the child and parent. 

In 2019 the Pickaway County Visitation Center provided services to over 150 children, monitored over 2,500 hours of visitations and provided 30 parenting classes. Due to the pandemic, funding was severely cut from the Pickaway County Visitation Center and they were facing potential closure. Through grants and local donations the Pickaway County Visitation Center has been able to secure funding to operate throughout 2021. 

Anyone wishing to donate to the Pickaway County Visitation Center may donate through PCCF as a fund has been established there. 

Pictured above are Bob Sneed, Wendy Gatewood and Jonathan Bennett.
