The Pickaway County Community Foundation, in partnership with Pickaway County Farm Bureau, purchased seventeen steers from the Pickaway County Fair which ultimately was processed and distributed locally to those in need.
FFA and 4-H exhibitors work eight to nine months on raising a beef project. Their work has not gone unnoticed. When PCCF and the Pickaway County Farm Bureau decided to venture into this project, they wanted to assure that the youth received a premium bid for their work. The steers were purchased for $1.30 per pound as the packer bid at the fair. This provided the youth with a very competitive packer bid to award them for their work.
The steers were taken to a local butcher, Crossroad Meats, where they were processed into hamburger. Through the generosity of the owners of Crossroad Meats, three of the steers were processed at no cost as a donation to our Pickaway County community. The hamburger was packaged into bulk two lb. packages for distribution.
This project yielded 11,000 pounds of hamburger that was distributed to local food pantries across Pickaway County. Distribution was also made to Have House, Westfall CARES, Emergency Clearing House and a local soup kitchen.