Katie Logan Hedges

Katie Logan Hedges


Boards currently serving on: Chair – PCCF Leadership Fund; Chair – Pickaway Metropolitan Housing Authority; Secretary –Pickaway Welcome Center & Visitors Bureau; Board Member – Circleville City School Foundation; At-Large Councilperson for the City of Circleville

Currently Employed: FORJAK Industrial

Current Title: Director of Operations

Places of Employment:  FORJAK Industrial and do part-time consulting at a conglomerate of not-for-profit charter

schools in Columbus

Positions Held: Circleville City Council Person (elected official), Director of Operations. I am the Director of Operations for FORJAK Industrial. Our business recently merged our main headquarters to our Circleville location. We’re excited to be back in our home town and to be a part of the community in which we live.

Accomplishments: Pickaway County Fellow

Industry and Educational Experience: I have been at FORJAK for 11 years. I attended Otterbein University where I received a bachelor’s in Public Relations and a minor in Business. Past positions have included President of Child Conservation League where I was a member for 9 years; Secretary of Haven House of Pickaway County where I was a member for 6 years, a member of the Pickaway County Community Foundation Grants Committee; a member of the Homeless Coalition and most recently was privileged to serve on the Strategic Planning Committee for Pickaway County Community Foundation.

Key Attributes: Decisive; forward thinking; a strong leader with the ability to lead from the front and from behind; Collaborative

Personal Interest: In her free time, Katie enjoys spending time with her husband and daughter, traveling, reading and writing a book. Leadership and a deep-rooted sense of community has been instilled in Katie since she was a young girl. She believes it is the responsibility of every citizen to play a role in the community in which they live – whether that’s giving of their time, treasure or talents.