Facility Use

Any organization, group, family, or individual that has an established fund within the Pickaway County Community Foundation is welcome to utilize the PCCF Center for Philanthropy at no cost when not in use by the Foundation.

Pickaway County or statewide nonprofit organizations, professional or civic groups that do not have established funds at the Foundation may rent the facility for $25 for up to four hours and $50 for up to eight hours. Please note that preferences for rental of the facility will be given to organizations, professional or civic groups that make regular annual donations to PCCF. The use of the Center for Philanthropy for profit-making enterprises, political meetings and private social functions is not permitted. The following are prohibited on the premises: consumption of alcoholic beverages, use of tobacco products, burning of candles or open flame containers, and improper or illegal use of drugs.

Located in Herald Square on North Court Street in Circleville, Ohio, parking is readily available after 5:00 p.m. Daytime meeting participants are asked to park in the back row of the lot to allow access for other businesses throughout the day.

Our facility offers


Tables and seating for up to 42


Smart TV with HDMI ports located around the room


WiFi availability


Lots of parking, especially after 5pm

Facility Calendar

Request Use of Facility

Meeting Information

Start Time(Required)
End Time(Required)

Organization Information


Contact Information



The Facility is to be left in the condition in which it was found with all trash removed, tables cleared and wiped, restrooms cleaned and carpet vacuumed (supplies and equipment available on site). The Pickaway County Community Foundation will not be responsible for accidents and injuries that occur during use of the Facility.
Typing your full name is considered your signature as authorization for this facility use request form
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.