Tammy Smith

Tammy Smith


Boards currently serving on: None currently

Currently Employed: PICCA Early Head Start

Current Title: Family Services Manager

Places of Employment: PICCA Early Head Start currently- (11 years), Pickaway Job and Family Services- (approximately 8 years), Discover Card Financial Service- (approximately 18 years)

Positions Held: Customer service, salesperson, event planning, accounts receivable/payable, training, disputes/complaints, case manager, community outreach, supervisor, recruitment, public speaking,

Business Titles: Customer service rep, unit coordinator, billing error specialist, training specialist, account clerk, administrative assistant, child support enforcement worker, home visitor family services coordination and currently family services manager

Accomplishments: Samuel R. Dettra Award- recognizing the most vision and contribution towards agency growth.

Industry and Educational Experience: Bachelor of Special Studies (Early Childhood/ Communication)  Ohio University Associates in Applied Accounting, Central Ohio Technical College, Family Development Credential/Instructor, University of Connecticut: Center for the Study of Culture, Health & Human Development, Pickaway Addiction Action Coalition (PAAC)- Member of coalition, Early Childhood Collaborative Committee (ECCC) Pickaway County- Member 11 years in early childhood, 8 years in social services, and 18 years in financial services setting.

Key Attributes: Organized, multitasker, decisive, team player, patient, creative, takes initiative, determined, kind, cautious, dependable, flexible and passionate

Personal Interest: Gardening, reading antiques, my dogs love to cook & try new recipes, opportunities to volunteer and spending time with family.