Marlee K. Martin

Marlee K. Martin


Boards currently serving on: Theta Phi Alpha Gamma Epsilon Chapter Advisory Board, Pickaway Progress Partnership, Circleville Presbyterian Church Board of Deacons, Pickaway Addiction Action Coalition

Current employment: Pickaway County Chamber of Commerce

Current Title: Executive Director

Places of employment: Christopher’s Boutique, Pickaway County Chamber of Commerce

Positions Heled: Sales Associate, Executive Director

Accomplishments: Pickaway Leadership Fellow

Industry and Educational Experience: Bachelor of Arts in International Relations form Shawnee State University, Masters of Public Relations in Leadership & Public Policy from Ohio University, 2 years as Director of the Pickaway County Chamber of Commerce

Key Attributes: Personal: outgoing & personable

Professional: collaborative, passionate, hardworking

Personal Interest: My interests include spending time with my family and my dog Chomper and volunteering at my church. I also enjoy traveling; I love to read and have picked up a love for nonfiction books about personal development or famous biographies. I am always trying to learn something new.