Marie Wilbanks

Boards currently serving on: Haven House, CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates), Toastmasters, Family and Children Council, Rotary, Root Cause Uganda
Currently Employed: Pickaway County Board of Disabilities
Current Title: Director of Service and Support Administration
Places of Employment: Pickaway County Board of Disabilities
Positions Held: Director of Service and Support, Medicaid and Compliance, Service and Support Administrator. I have the opportunity speak publicly in a number of different capacities and do this often. I complete lots of trainings related to DD services, both locally and on a state level. I am frequently asked to present on various topics at DODD presentations and conferences.
Accomplishments: Accomplishments include Executive and superintendent training, top accreditation reviews for my agency, and in general being awesome (or not taking myself too seriously).
Industry and Educational Experience: I have worked in the field of developmental disabilities since I was 14. My experience includes work as a direct support professional, qualified caseworker in an intermediate care facility, camp counselor, service and support administrator, and director of services.
Key Attributes: Most people describe me as energetic. I enjoy training others, in particular about and within the field of developmental disabilities. I am typically considered outgoing, and I get along well with others.
Personal Interest: Everything interest me. For 2021, I broke each month into a topic I wanted to explore or learn more about. I love gardening, cooking, reading, jigsaw puzzles, horseback riding, travel, listening to podcast, and exercising my leadership skills. I love volunteering, especially when I can bring my kids to help.