Boards currently serving on: None
Current employment: Honor Home Health
Current Title: Community Outreach Coordinator
Places of employment: Lazarus, Household Bank, Stat Savings Bank, Broad Street Christian Church, St. John’s Church, Brown Memorial Home, Honor Home Health (formerly known as Amity)
Positions Heled: Salesperson, Account Manager, Small Business Development Lender, Office Manager, Church Administrator, Mareting & Development Coordinatior, Community Outreach Cordinator, Facilitative Leader
Accomplishments: 2018 Leadership Pickaway, 2020 Pickaway Fellows; 2019 MIT’s Presencing Institute (Otto Sharmer) and 2021 Campus Co-Evolve (George Por) Cohorts; Spiral Dynamics Integral Level 1 and 2 Certifications; Speaker at Integral Africa Conference.
Industry and Educational Experience: Business Administration, emphasis in Marketing, The Ohio State University 1992; retail sales-5 years, retail banking- 5-year, business baking- 1year, church administrator-10 years, eldercare marketing, development, community outreach, and facilitative leadership- 3 years
Key Attributes: Problem solving, relationship/network building, advocacy, facilitative leadership, public speaking, story weaving, recognizing opportunities, coaching, hospicing systems, systems- and social- complexity thinking, training, technical writing, blogging.
Personal Interest: Lifetime learning, travel, hiking, cooking, volunteer work, performing weddings.