
Pickaway County and agriculture are one and the same – farming has been a common thread in our county for more than 200 years. PCCF Agriculture is ensuring a strong agriculture future by raising awareness of local commodities and opportunities in our county, helping current farmers maintain and transfer wealth within their family (and within the county) and working with educational institutions to prepare students to enter the agricultural workforce.

Agriculture opportunities continue to present themselves in this county in more than just a grain or livestock operation. Pickaway County is rich in farmer’s markets, and niche markets such as sod farms, berry farms and bees. Educating others that farming is what feeds America is an important part of the local mission that PCN Agriculture engages in.

Each year the FFA Chapters have volunteered to assist us at our annual fundraiser, the Farm to Plate Dinner. Because of the overwhelming support from our community at this event, our committee has been able to take a portion of the proceeds to give back to them which has totaled approximately $20,000.

PCCF Agriculture Committee has been able to support the beautiful fairgrounds by donating $10,000, have donated to the Pickaway County Buyers Club for the past few years, sponsored Chris Cakes, and other grants for agriculture events. The committee also supported Pickaway SWCD Agriculture Book project which provided over 800 elementary students with their own book teaching them about food and farming, and during the pandemic when the county schools were trying to feed all of their students with bag lunches, we were able to donate $20,000 to the Food Initiative program.

Mark your calendars for 2022 Farm to Plate
September 8, 2022 at Heritage Hall.

Our Leaders

Agriculture Committee

John Essman


Carly Neff

Judy Clifton

Jeanne Radcliff

Betsy Richards

Maria Richards

Matt Chafin

Lisa Lightle

Rachel Scior

Matt Dick