“Feed Our Kids” Donations Through PCCF

Everyday a student goes to school hungry. With the sudden suspension of school due to the coronavirus, there are many children that will be hungry over the next few weeks without that meal they depend on at school. The Pickaway County Community Foundation is working with programs that already exist in the County or that are being formed by the schools and community to aid in the relief of these families to provide financial assistance to the programs. If you are interested in providing assistance to the programs, our office will coordinate the distribution of the funds to reliable programs. To contribute you may donate through PCCF by sending a check, made payable to PCCF with “Feed Our Kids” in the memo, and we will assist in distributing those funds throughout the programs in Pickaway County. Checks can be mailed to: PCCF (“Feed Our Kids” in the memo) 770 N. Court Street, Circleville, OH 43113.
You may also donate by credit card by utilizing the following link: https://yourpccf.z2systems.com/np/clients/yourpccf/donation.jsp?campaign=1&.
Credit card donations received will go to the “Feed Our Kids” program. 