The Pickaway County Community Foundation is pleased to have a Youth Advisory Council (YAC) which represents students from all four of the public schools. The YAC will teach students about philanthropy and leadership. This group is student led and the students will learn and engage in philanthropic endeavors.
At the informational meeting there were over 60 students present along with their parents/guardians. At the initial meeting of students, nearly 40 were in attendance representing all four public schools. Students did team building activities to get to know each other and their advisors, Allen Roberts and Susan Metzger. At this meeting students were presented with the opportunity to attend a conference in Michigan to learn more about what the YAC is and does.
On June 20th, seven selected students and their advisors embarked on a trip to Michigan. The program was held by the Council of Michigan Foundation and was called the Youth Grant Maker Conference. The two- and one-half day program allowed the group to attend break out session and participate in activities illustrating the benefits of having a local YAC, how to run a YAC, and ways that the YAC can serve the community.
On Tuesday, July 23rd , at just their third meeting, the YAC took to the streets of Circleville and performed their first community service project. In partnership with Uptown Circleville, the students swept, pulled weeds and picked up trash along Court and Main Streets.
The group meets monthly and in August will be participating in the Big Table talks with members of the PCCF Advisory Committee. This group of teens will continue to learn and grow in Pickaway County and the community should be seeing the impact that kids can make!