The Columbus Symphony Orchestra Supported

The Pickaway County Community Foundation in conjunction with the Yamarick Family Fund issued a grant in the amount of $1,500 to support the Attract Tourism Foundation in bringing the Columbus Symphony Orchestra to Circleville on April 29, 2018. 

The Symphony performed classical selections from composers Mozart and Beethoven during the concert. The members of the Symphony held a meet and greet for the audience that followed the performance. This performance included engagement of community volunteers from each of the high schools in Pickaway County and was a great experience for the community to enjoy.

“The grant was used to help fund the appearance by the Columbus Symphony Orchestra and allow the Visitors Bureau to provide no cost tickets to area high school music programs. We provided 100 tickets to the school systems, we estimate approximately 70 students were in attendance,” says Tim Wilson, Executive Director of the Pickaway County Visitors Bureau.

“We do believe it was a success as we had over 500 in attendance. This was a great opportunity to bring the fine arts to Pickaway County and showcase Ohio Christian University’s new facility. Many of the attendees were from out of town so this event affords the opportunity to introduce visitors to everything Pickaway County has to offer,” says Wilson.

The Columbus Symphony Orchestra rarely travels outside of Columbus or Franklin County, so this was a rare experience for the community of Circleville and Pickaway County.
